Noticias corporativas

ITEX Show: Volvemos A Demostrar Nuestras Fortalezas


Mar 9th, 2016, U.S.A – With a detailed preparation for the ITEX Show in U.S.A., PANTUM’s travel to the show has completed on March 9th with fruitful results.

ITEX is a professional show of office document technology and service industry. Such a professional show may help us obtain valuable partners in a short time.

During the show, PANTUM printers arouse a lot of attendees’ interest out of almost 100 exhibitors including compatible consumable manufacturers, printer manufacturers and distributors. Most attendees are dealers from East Coast and Latin America, especially in MPS channel. Our PANTUM P3500DW is well recognized and appreciated by attendees and one of the attendees had already ordered 20 units for testing. More orders may follow benefiting from the connection built up in the show.

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